Friday, September 24, 2010

Blacks Aren't Stupid; They're Skitso

Two posts ago and two days ago I said when I was on the fishing boat I decided Blacks are stupid for not knowing why whites are afraid of them.  This was not me at my charitable best.  I admit that.

Here is what I came up with when I interviewed some brothers and sisters (mainly brothers) about why they though whites are afraid of us:

"Whites are racist if they're afraid, because not all Blacks are violent criminals."  Yeah, right on brother, and not all lions are man-eaters.

"Whites deserve to be afraid because they deserve to get robbed and beaten, because they richer than us."  Okay, so are you gonna rob everyone richer than you?  Some Blacks are richer than you, did they all earn it?  Face it, we all got LUCKY one way or another.  Read up on Communist Russia if you don't believe me.

"We should be scared of whites.  KKK and all that."  Have you ever met a Klansman Klown?  I haven't.  Ever met a Black who pointed a piece a white for thirty bucks?  I bet you have.

"I dress and act like a thug just to scare whites.  They shouldn't be scared, because I'm not really a thug."  So you should get whupped for the crime of Impersonating a Thug then.  Don't go shouting and cursing to scare little white ladies and then come crying cause they got scared.

The ONLY thing I heard that had a grain of truth to it:
"Whites are just easy to scare.  Nobody knows why.  They got no heart."  See, now I'm not being my charitable best to whites either.  They are pretty easy to scare and they got pretty sensitive feelings.  So what?  Think of a white like a cat.  Not a guy whose into old jazz, I mean a real cat.  Now say you got to make friends with this little cat because your life depends on it.  Do you run around, screaming at the cat, chasing it?  If you do, you're a fool.

You see, my conclusion is that each little thing Blacks think about whites ...... there's a reason for it.  Even if it's wrong there's a reason.  It's just when you add all these things together they don't make sense.  A Black who robs a gas station for thirty bucks is a knucklehead for TWO reasons; first, he's going to jail for thirty bucks (this time or NEXT time), second, he's scaring white people away from the hood.  Only the old folks - OLD WISE BLACK WOMEN - know the second part.  I thank god I had one of them for a mother.

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